
Adding To A Full Plate: One Post A Day For 2011

Sometimes I tend to bite off more than I can chew.  I have a problem saying no to people, and sometimes I see opportunities that just look too good to pass up, no matter what my other commitments are.  As a result, I end up with projects and commitments up the ying-yang, and I find myself unable to cope with the intense anxiety that comes with not being able to give it all my best.

I’ve been trying to manage this better lately. I have offloaded some of my never-ending admin to the daughter of a friend, who is grateful for the money I pay her.  Reluctantly, I gave up a regular writing gig that I loved.  I got all of my taxes up to date so it be off my plate.  I am trying to stay current with all of my to-do’s.

But you know, I think it’s just part of who I am to want to do more things.  Do I like the variety and the sense of living on the edge?  Or have I just become so used to the stress and exhaustion that I subconsciously seek out ways to keep it in the forefront of my life?  Who knows?

Whatever the case may be, I am yet again adding to my list of daily stuff.  I hereby announce to the world that I am, from this date forth, participating in the Post A Day Challenge. Every day, I will publish some tidbit of my life here on my blog.

Don’t expect all of my posts to be long.  Don’t expect them all to be coherent – in fact, if I post the day after a sleepless night with a melting down autistic child, my contributions might read like the ramblings of a lunatic.  Some days I will not have time to post more than a quote or a picture.  But there will be something every day, some glimpse into my life, into the world as I experience it.

I am always open to ideas for topics. If there is something you would like to know more about – whether it is autism, running, the trials and tribulations of planning a wedding, or what hair colour I use – feel free to let me know.

Yes, I colour my hair.  I’m 41 and trying to look like I’m 30.


  1. Excellent! Misery loves company!! We can write together! And are you happy with the hair colour you use? Because mine is fading!

    • Yeah! We can keep each other on track! My hair colour is so-so, but I find myself having to use it more frequently than before. Either the quality is going down or I’m just going gray more quickly!

  2. Excellent! Misery loves company!! We can write together! And are you happy with the hair colour you use? Because mine is fading!

    • Yeah! We can keep each other on track! My hair colour is so-so, but I find myself having to use it more frequently than before. Either the quality is going down or I’m just going gray more quickly!

  3. I am sure of posting my history once a day, since I have it written in advance. I am not able to post to Imperfect Reason every day even though that is my unstated goal. Some days, no one would want to hear what I’m thinking and it would be best not to publish it to the world.

    Good luck with this venture, but remember, only YOU can prevent driving yourself nuts. Don’t be too hard on yourself if it gets too much.

  4. I am sure of posting my history once a day, since I have it written in advance. I am not able to post to Imperfect Reason every day even though that is my unstated goal. Some days, no one would want to hear what I’m thinking and it would be best not to publish it to the world.

    Good luck with this venture, but remember, only YOU can prevent driving yourself nuts. Don’t be too hard on yourself if it gets too much.

  5. I would like to know what you do to fit workouts into your hectic schedule and what you do to stay healthy when working out is simply impossible. 🙂