
Blog Beginnings: A Funny Guy Made Me Do It

Tim “Red Barren” Carter, who gave me the idea for my blog

Two years ago today, my blog was born. When I wrote my first post, I didn’t really give much thought to where it would all lead me. I wouldn’t have even started the blog if I hadn’t been pushed into it.

Here’s what happened:

Over a decade ago, a super-cool dude by the name of Bruce started a super-cool ezine called Really Good Quotes, and I was one of the original subscribers. In the early days of the ezine, Bruce did everything himself: the research, the writing, the sourcing of quotes, and the compilation of the issues. Five days a week he did this.

After a while, Bruce realized that it would be nice to have a life, so he cut back from five days a week to three, and he started enlisting help. He recruited a couple of writers and asked me to be the editor. And so it became my responsibility to collect everyone’s submissions and format them into something resembling a respectable ezine. When I’d been doing this for about a year, Bruce offered me my own column. I handed off the editing responsibilities to a guy named Cliff, who does it far better than I did (and writes an awesome column to boot), and I started focusing my attention on writing.

Through this whole process, I became friends with the other writers on the ezine. We were a close-knit little group from the start and our friendships started to extend beyond the bounds of Really Good Quotes. One of my fellow writers – a guy who, sadly, is no longer with us – was called Tim. Tim had a heart the size of Texas and he was an amazingly funny guy. He was also a technogeek, so in addition to being a friend, he became my unofficial tech support person.

It was Tim who got me into writing outside of Really Good Quotes. My older son’s autism diagnosis came when I was in the midst of post-partum depression, and I felt myself buckling under the weight of everything. Tim contacted me during this dreadful time and told me that perhaps I needed an additional forum for my writing.  He offered me a space on his website where I could write whenever I wanted. There was no requirement to post, there was no pressure and no expectation. I simply had a place to go when I needed to vent.

One day more than a year later, Tim told me I needed to spread my wings. He wasn’t booting me off his site, and in fact he wanted me to stay and continue posting, but he felt that my writing was good enough to warrant a wider audience. He encouraged me to sign up with one of the well-known blogging platforms that came complete with a large community of bloggers. At first I was resistant to the idea. It sounded like more hard work than I was in the mood for.

Tim’s idea would turn out to be a bug that, once planted in my mind, kept nagging at me. After a couple of months, I thought, What the hell? I signed up, and here I am, celebrating my blog’s second birthday.

Many things have happened since then, both in my blog and in the broader context of my life. I have seen all kinds of growth in my kids, I have watched my son beat out all of the doctor’s predictions, and I have done some growing up myself. I have run all kinds of races and beat my own personal best times. I have voted for the first time as a Canadian citizen, I have tied the knot with my long-time partner and I have taken on extra responsibilities at work.

As far as my writing goes, I still write for Really Good Quotes. I am also a writer and scheduling editor for World Moms Blog and I participate regularly in the Indie Ink writing challenges. I have been invited to participate in the Health Activists Writers Month Challenge which runs in April. I have been voted as one of the Top 25 Canadian Mom Blogs. And very soon, my website will be going through an overhaul. I am excited at the prospect of launching a new look to showcase my writing.

I feel like I am entering a whole new phase and I cannot wait to see where it brings me.

Happy 2nd birthday, blog!

(Photo used with the kind permission of Kristen Carter)


January Goals: Laying The Foundation

launchpadSo, now that I have started 2012 off with a week of inspiration from guest bloggers, it is time for me to solidify my own goals for this year. In short, this year is going to be about me. That does not mean that I will ignore my children, refuse to cook dinner for my family, and let everyone go around in dirty clothes. It simply means that I will do a better job of taking care of myself.

Since becoming a mother, I have put the needs of my family first. Which is fine – the truth is that ultimately, everything I do is for my kids. The problem is that I have been taking care of everyone else at the expense of myself. This has led to me being overwhelmed, exhausted, and in many instances, frustrated and unhappy. In a way, I have allowed the essence of me to get lost, to be buried underneath all of the layers of responsibility that I have imposed upon myself.

And so, this year, I am going to find some balance. I am going to pursue some dreams that have been in the horizon of my mind for some time. I believe that being more balanced, less tired, and more in tune with myself will benefit everyone around me.

In 2012, I am aiming to make great strides in my running. With the help of my friend and coach Phaedra Kennedy, I am going to break 2:10:00 in my Run for Autism in October. I am going to make inroads in the world of writing. And come hell or high water, I am going to develop a positive relationship with food that allows me to build good nutritional habits. The old pattern of alternating binge eating with starving myself is going to come to an end. Sometimes I’m thin, sometimes I’m fat, sometimes I’m in between. I’m tired of the yo-yo, and it makes clothes shopping impossible.

My focus in January will be to lay the groundwork for success. This is my plan:

  • I will realign my sleeping habits to go to bed earlier, so I can wake up early in the mornings to run without feeling like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck. When I start my training program on January 30th, I will be used to getting up at five in the morning. My body will have already made that adjustment.
  • I will learn how to do the strength training exercises that Phaedra gave me, so I can incorporate them in my training program right off the bat.
  • I have ordered my Precision Nutrition kit (thanks, Phaedra, for the tip). When it arrives, I will not just dive into it like an overexcited puppy. I will take the time to look over it properly, learn how to use it, and plan appropriately.
  • I will contact a web designer about revamping my site to incorporate both my blog and a general writing component. That will make it easier for me to market myself as a freelance writer.
  • Since I already have a day job, I will start to use my commutes for writing. That’s exactly why Santa brought me this nifty little ’puter that I am writing this post on.

By the end of this month, I will have built myself a launch pad, and I will be able to spend the rest of the year in pursuit of my goals.

Hop on, it’s going to be a wild ride!


Good News In Troubled Times

This morning I received a very nice email. I knew it would be a nice email because it had the word “Congratulations!” in the subject line. Complete with the exclamation point. It is reasonable to assume that an email with a “Congratulations” and a “!” in the subject line won’t be about anything bad.

The email was to inform me that my bid for a writing job had been accepted. In other words, someone read my portfolio (comprised largely of articles from this blog), liked what they saw, and now wants to pay me to write an article for them. Not only did I win the bid, I beat out sixteen other people. And here’s the kicker. It’s the first bid I placed. EVER!

At a time when my self-confidence and my self-esteem are both at a low ebb, this is welcome news indeed.

I have been going through some rough times lately. Not falling-off-a-cliff rough, but falling-down-and-spraining-an-ankle rough. I will get through it – I have handled a lot worse than this and survived. But at this moment in time, while the bad burny stuff is happening, my nerves are shot and my digestive system is in flitters.

The idea that someone thinks that I have something of value to offer is like a soothing balm to a deeply troubled soul. It’s like a vitamin pill for that weakened self-esteem.

The fact that this is a job I can definitely handle, and do very well at, is like an energy boost for the self-confidence that has been flagging.

Maybe this will be just the thing I’ve been needing to get back on my feet and climb over the obstacles that are in my way.

At the very least, it will give me the strength to take a few baby-steps forward.


Good News In Troubled Times

This morning I received a very nice email. I knew it would be a nice email because it had the word “Congratulations!” in the subject line. Complete with the exclamation point. It is reasonable to assume that an email with a “Congratulations” and a “!” in the subject line won’t be about anything bad.

The email was to inform me that my bid for a writing job had been accepted. In other words, someone read my portfolio (comprised largely of articles from this blog), liked what they saw, and now wants to pay me to write an article for them. Not only did I win the bid, I beat out sixteen other people. And here’s the kicker. It’s the first bid I placed. EVER!

At a time when my self-confidence and my self-esteem are both at a low ebb, this is welcome news indeed.

I have been going through some rough times lately. Not falling-off-a-cliff rough, but falling-down-and-spraining-an-ankle rough. I will get through it – I have handled a lot worse than this and survived. But at this moment in time, while the bad burny stuff is happening, my nerves are shot and my digestive system is in flitters.

The idea that someone thinks that I have something of value to offer is like a soothing balm to a deeply troubled soul. It’s like a vitamin pill for that weakened self-esteem.

The fact that this is a job I can definitely handle, and do very well at, is like an energy boost for the self-confidence that has been flagging.

Maybe this will be just the thing I’ve been needing to get back on my feet and climb over the obstacles that are in my way.

At the very least, it will give me the strength to take a few baby-steps forward.