Welcome to my blog. I write about autism, running, my family, and various other random aspects of life that fascinate or mystify me.
Just for fun, here are five random facts about me:
1. When I finished high school, my goal was to do psychology research. I accidentally became a computer programmer instead. I morphed from programming into I.T. project management, but I had too much disdain for corporate politics to be really good at it. Now I am self-employed as a writer. I love the work but my boss never gives me time off.
2. I absolutely detest olives. Once, when I was in my early teens, an aunt gave me an olive and told me it was a grape. I had trust issues for a while after that.
3. I’m afraid of spiders, ladders and the Bloor Viaduct.
4. Sometimes, on slow days, I wonder how they know that all snowflakes are unique. Does someone sit there and examine them all?
5. I’m left-handed. This is apparently a trait I share with 85% of polar bears (I’d love to have dinner with the guy who did that research – imagine the questions I could ask).
Sometimes, when I write my blogs, I actually do make sense.
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